Thursday 7 October 2010


We live in interesting times. People are finding it more and more difficult to make sense out of the chaos of our world. Should we buy property? Should we rent? Will I have a job at the end of the month? What’s happening with global warming? many questions that we cannot answer at the moment. The new energies pouring onto our planet cause endless confusion because they ebb and flow, which makes it very difficult to decide what is part of the big picture and what is a personal issue.

I decided to start writing this blog to try to make some sense out of what is energetically going on around us. I am probably no more qualified to write this than you. To be affected by earth energies does not require a belief in God or any other deity or religion. It does not discriminate on the bases of the colour of your skin or your gender either. It is not something that is only for the rich and unavailable to the poor. Energy just IS. It is entirely up to us how we choose to interpret and use these energies. What is crystal clear though, is that it is going to become a decision that needs to be made by each and every one of us as individuals and it is going to become more and more difficult to ignore, as the energies increase.

I am more affected by the earth energies than most people I know. I first became aware that things were changing in our world in 1998. I have been schooled for many years in viewing the world through an intellectual approach of critical reasoning, “tell me what you think, not what you feel”, was something I heard often as a child. The new energies require us to engage with them on an emotional level, not an intellectual one. I have had a very bumpy road on my journey of discovery in the last 12 years because of this, made more difficult by my own stubbornness and my failure to ‘get out of my own way’ because I had to be ‘in charge’ ALL the time, irrespective of the whether it was a situation I was familiar with or not. I hope that by sharing information and using my own experiences as illustrations, I will help others handle the new energies in ways that will be kinder and gentler to themselves and others around them, than the difficult route that I took.

There is a lot of information out there on the new energies. Like most things, it has become a business. A business that has become so huge and lucrative that it is now jeopardizing our progress on the planet because it is in the interest of the people who are part of the ‘energetic service industry’ to maintain the status quo rather than risk loosing their income as the planet evolves.

My aim is to make information on the new energies available to those who are interested. I understand that not everything is for everyone. My rule of thumb when reading material like this is if something touches your soul when you read it, it was probably written for and meant to be read by you, if it doesn’t, move on and don’t worry about it.

I would like to let this blog evolve at its own pace. I intend to ask others to contribute on their own energetic topics and experiences. I also hope that this blog can become a dialogue between like minded people. A place where new ideas can be explored, fears can be dispelled and a brave new world for a modern age can be created out of thoughtfulness.

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