Sunday 24 October 2010

Ok, so who’s really in charge here?


It’s everywhere! The table, the computer you are working on, the dog, everything carries an energetic vibration. From inanimate objects, to each one of us, we each hold an energetic charge. In fact the organs within our bodies each carry an individual charge that forms part of our over all energetic charge.

As conscious beings we are able to actively participate in our own evolution by transmuting any lower vibrations we may hold within our bodies to higher vibrations. In order for this process to take place there is a great deal of personal work that needs to be done.  

Most of us allow our ego to drive our day to day interactions with the world. Our egos are shaped by our surroundings and our society. It effectively acts as a lens through which we view the world. For example; how we perceive the world through our perceptions of culture, religion, etc. Our ego also serves as a mask that acts as a barrier between the world and ourselves. The ego filters do not give us a true sense of the world, it is a world that is created by illusion rather than reality. This may have served us in the past but our circumstances have changed to the extent the filters of the ego no longer apply to the current reality. The only way we can start dealing with the new energetic reality is to allow the higher self to drive.

The ego and our higher self work largely as two separate but integrated operating systems. The ego is mainly driven by what we ‘think’ while the higher self is driven by that we ‘feel’. It is an evolutionary leap for us to move to using the higher self as our primary operating system. This is a leap that places the ego and the higher self, in extreme conflict while we work on this process. Connecting with your higher self is the only way we can really see a true reflection of the world and others in our lives. Much personal work is required to ‘get out of our own way‘, in order for this to happen.

We make sense of our world by interpreting our experience through our senses: aural, visual, olfactory, tactile and taste wavelengths. All objects in our world oscillate and emit energy waves, even if those waves are not directly discernable to the human eye or ear. This energy operates in frequencies/wavelengths and can be measured. Our higher self operates at a higher frequency than our ego, so in order to access our higher self we have to raise our energetic frequency. There are many ways of doing this, what is important is to convert all of our lower vibrating thoughts and actions into higher ones, this includes painful experiences in our past. Particularly traumatic past experiences obviously require more effort  to transmit than others but even with these experiences, we need to at best find away to see the positive side of the negative experience, or at least strive to neutralize the experience  so that it no longer emits a negative charge. This conversion of lower vibrating energy to higher is an ongoing process because we interact with others, who bring their own lower or higher vibrating energy into our lives, on a daily basis. We will know when we are aligning our thoughts with our higher self and getting it right, because we ‘feel’ good.

The development of our higher self is a crucial part of human evolution. It is through the process of learning to communicate with our higher selves that we will develop our skills and our ability to see energy patterns that we were not able to before. Some people see pictures, some may hear a voice, some feel the energy in their bodies for others it is a ‘sense of knowing’, these are all ways of communicating with our higher self. It is fairly common for people to assign mystical other worldly explanations to the experience of communicating with your higher self and to resonating with others, the truth is, its just energy.
"The basis of all scientific work is the conviction that the world is an ordered and comprehensible entity, which is a religious sentiment. My religious feeling is a humble amazement at the order revealed in the small patch of reality to which our feeble intelligence is equal."

Albert Einstein, "Religion and Science," New York Times, November 9,1930


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