Sunday 24 October 2010

Is there anybody out there? Looking at resonance

Many of us are aware that our bodies have been acting as energy containment fields. We have worked exceptionally hard to keep our energy inside of our bodies so as not to ‘bump’ into anybody else. Much like we rush through a crowed train station, loath to make physical contact with anybody else on the platform or on the train. But what if we stopped trying to ‘contain’ our energy and allowed it to resonate with others?

Resonance is the ability to not only receive a signal but to also elicit a similar signal on the same frequency as your own, back from another. It stands to reason that if we each contain our own energetic charge that when we interact with others there is an exchange of energy. We broadcast not only light and sound but also our own states of consciousness, mental and emotional states to others, as well as receive theirs. For example; if you spend time with somebody who is happy and excited about what they are doing, then you go home after the visit, feeling pretty good yourself. This is a positive energy exchange because the person is transmitting higher vibrating energy. The converse is, if we spend time with people who are negative and depressed we will go home after the encounter feeling that way ourselves because that is lower vibrating energy, which makes us ‘feel’ bad.

The more we practice this ability to resonate with others the better we become at it. The exchange of energy with others happens to all of us whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Through self knowledge we are able to discern our own energy patterns from those around us and learn to recognise the individual energy patterns of others. Once we know what our energetic states ‘feel’ like we are able to work energetically at great distances and even assist others by being able to transmute their lower vibrating energy. This is the beginning of being able to develop our own supersense. – The ability to utilise all of our senses to new and unprecedented levels in discerning energy patterns. I believe our ability to expand our energy fields is infinite. Yes, you did hear me right, even greater than what we understand as our Universe right now. It is also multidimensional.

An important part of the process of learning to interact energetically with others is learning to set boundaries. We do not have to accept lower vibrating energy into our spaces, especially if we know it will lower our own energy levels. I have already discussed on this blog that higher and lower resonating energy cannot co-exist in the same place for a long period of time. People who resonate at a higher energy level can drop their energy for short periods of time but doing this will make them feel so uncomfortable, they will not be able to tolerate this state of being for long periods of time. They will have to return to a higher energetic state. The ideal of energetic relationships is to be able to harmonize with the energy of others.

If we continue on this evolutionary path as individuals we will ultimately be able to evolve to a point where we align with others who have a similar energetic vibration as our own, thus forming a group consciousness. The energetic combination of many is considerably more powerful than that of a single energy and so able to accomplish much more. The implications of this are hugely exciting. Can you imagine a world where we are not required to wear our ‘ego masks’ because who we really are, is instantly energetically visible? A world where we know what peoples intentions are because there is no need or place to hide behind lies and deceit. A place where there are no more secrets and no more lies. A world were there is no sickness because we are able to energetically rebalance any organ or cell in the body that is damaged.

Answering your questions:

Question: Somebody asked me to please “come up with a way to beat the statistical inevitability of relationship entropy.”

Answer: In the same vein: If entropy is the measure of the amount of energy that does no work during an energy conversion, as per the second law of thermodynamics; I would suggest that in order to avoid it altogether it would be a wise choice to make sure you are part of a group of energetically gifted people who will do the ‘heavy lifting’, kindly and with much love, on your behalf. Oh, and eat the statistics!


1 comment:

  1. Love this post - as someone who is highly sensitive to energies i have been told over and over to contain and shield - which sometimes can be necessary but also leaves me isolated and shut off.

    you're right - the key is to resonate - and most importantly to learn to transmute energies - and help raise the vibration of us all - i believe that is what is truly meant by shining the light.

