Monday 20 December 2010

Of Meteors, Eclipses and Solstices

What a dizzying time we have ahead of us in the next 48 hours. Those of us in the North will be experiencing the Mid Winter Solstice also known as Yule on the 21st, for those in the South it will be your Mid Summer Solstice. This is a time of the return to the light in the North, as it marks the longest night of the year and the shortest day, the converse for the South, for you it is the onset of the days becoming shorter and a return to less light as Winter starts approaching. It is your longest day of the year.

The Solstice this year is slightly different because it coincides with a lunar eclipse on the same day. Starting on the evening of the 20th and moving into the 21st as it moves across the sky, the eclipse will only be visible in the North. There have only been 2 lunar eclipses in 2010 and this is the only full eclipse that we will see in this year.  On 26th June we experienced a partial lunar eclipse. The full lunar eclipse of Monday/Tuesday will be the first full lunar eclipse to take place for three years. 

As if this display was not enough, we have also been experiencing a Geminid meteor shower which is usually billed as one of the best meteor showers of the year. The meteor shower gets its name from the Gemini constellation from which is emanates. The shower started on the 6 December, peaked on the 13/14th and had its final burst on the 18th December. I have not seen too much of this display in London but we have had lots of low white cloud and fog for days. I hope the rest of you got to see a better display. 

Let’s have a look at some of the metaphysical aspects to the eclipse and the solstice. This is the first time these two events have occurred together for 456 years. The next time these two events will coincide will be in the year 2094. We are able to see this event because the moon is located fairy high in the sky at this time of the year, near the border of Taurus and Gemini. A lunar eclipse takes place when the shadow of the earth passes between the sun and the moon. Meaning we will move from the light of the full moon into complete darkness and back to the full light of the moon. This is a physical representation of our awakening from compete darkness into light. 

We are brought a wealth of opportunities to explore with the new light:

·        Reconnecting with our higher self will become available and easier for many of us. For those of you who believe that this can only be done in an altered state of mind, you are delusional. You higher self is always there for you and always speaks the truth, any disconnection is between your ego self and your higher self. You ego self is the part of you that is most afraid to connect to yourself and to others and will always fight so that it can be in the drivers seat. The ‘Dutch courage’ of an altered state of mind does not increase this connection, it only increases the delusion of a connection because you can no longer operate with a clear head and be able to truly discern what is real and what is not. You are then removed from hearing your higher self which means you are ‘in your own way’ and will not progress on your path as long at you keep doing this.

·        The light will also bring us a clearer sense of who we really are as individuals and what our true individual purpose is, here on planet earth. Once we have an idea of who we really are, we are able to play our roles with increased confidence and effectiveness.

·        We will also be afforded the opportunity to awaken to the interconnectedness of all things here on plant earth. The silver threads that bind us to each other will be more easily discernable.

·        As this event is taking place on the border between Taurus and Gemini you can expect the effects of the energy to have a greater impact on those that contain these two elements in their personal astrological charts.
·        For those who have worked with the light for many years and have helped place the new energetic grid on the planet, I can tell you it is now light up like an energetic Christmas Tree. It is not going anywhere and it is here to stay. The new light will see many of those who have been involved in this now retire from their energetic work, for a well earned rest. I know just how hard this has been for many of you. There were times when many of us were keeping themselves here by the hour. Rest assured we will never go back to that energy again. Go well, with much love. Enjoy watching the new world emerge. The recognition for what you have done is coming.

·        Those who will be playing a part in the next phase of our evolution, as always there is much work to be done. The first is to use the oncoming light to convert those last bits of darkness that we have tucked away inside of us. These will be some of the more painful aspects of ourselves, they are the last bits of energy that we will need to transmute within because we have buried them so deeply, we have even hidden them from ourselves. This has to be done no matter how painful. The next phase of our work will see us working as creators of the new, we will be working at energetic levels similar to nuclear fusion and it has to be done at the purest level. So do the inner work.

The new energy from the eclipse will feel wonderful and will be with us until the second week of January.  I wish much love to all, spend time with your families. Rest!

Love and light. Till next year. (Which is going to be much easier and a lot more fun than we have seen in years. Yay! At last!)

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