Monday 31 January 2011


Soon after finishing University in 1988 I bought myself a youth fare air ticket, packed my backpack and decided to travel the world. One of my first ports of call was London, a place where work was abundant and a great launching place for visiting other destinations in Europe and the rest of the Northern hemisphere.

While in London I worked a variety of jobs, one of those was as a nanny to a 9 year old boy. I was fortunate to be in a North London area filled with parks, woodlands and treed public areas, which I made the most of. One Sunday I went for a walk with the boy, his dad and their delightful Labrador puppy called Coco in one of the local wilderness areas. This was not an area that I had walked before so I was grateful for the company on my first trip to this fascinating woodland.

It was a cold winter’s day and Coco was making the most of jumping into the puddles made by the recent rain. The woods themselves were quiet and stark, just bare branches visible on the leafless trees. Then boom! We walked near to some ancient earthworks and the energy change was dramatic and profound. It felt like somebody had taken the cork out of a bottle of champagne, a gentle consistent heightened fizz and feeling of euphoria. I kept looking at the others to see if they had felt it or if it was just me. Then I looked down and found a black feather on the ground. I walked a meter and found another, then a third. I picked up the feathers and saw the black crows, one foraging on the ground the others in the trees and surmised that that was where the feathers had come from. The area of heightened energy was in an area of about 50m and then it went back to normal. The others never said anything about feeling the energy but I carefully looked around me so that I would recognize the area again because I was certain that something profound had just happened, even though I was not sure exactly what that was.

Feathers have become a dominant theme in my life, over the years. Whenever I need confirmation that the path I am on is correct, the Universe will send me feathers. The Christmas after my Dad died, I found a small white feather on my pillow on Christmas Eve. The Christmas I spent in Canada alone, the same thing happened. This was all without owning anything that contained feathers. I was so determined to convince myself that this was a series of random coincidences that I decided to get smart and fool the Universe when I moved to London; I bought a goose down duvet and pillows, so at least I could pretend it was not happening. But I still got feathers whenever I needed reassurance. I just got to spend more time looking for non existent holes in the duvet and pillows so I could convince myself it was not happening. The Universe was far smarter than I and outwitted me on this one. I woke up one morning, after days of dismissing the significance of the feathers that I was picking up off the floor on a daily basis, to find two feathers physically threaded through the fabric of my P.J’s at even spaces on each side of my collar. I stood in the bathroom looking in the mirror shaking my head at that one, the Universe was leaving nothing to chance, there was no way I could deny what I could see right in front of me. Its funny that I can trust and understand energy implicitly and give it credence because it is a ‘science’ and stands up to a certain amount of critical thinking, but feathers, now that’s pushing the boat out all the way into the ‘boo woo’ realm don’t you think?

In the intervening years I have found, what I now call ‘energy portals’ in Canada and South Africa, where I have lived predominantly. They have varied in size and in the amount of energy they emit but there is no mistaking them, when you find them. I have now come to realize that many of these energy portals are attached to ancient sites around the world and are interlinked through an energy grid. Energy lines are not a new concept.

I moved to London in 2010 and decided to come back to North London because it is a very green area, familiar to me and yes, because there is an energy portal here. The problem was I could not remember where it was. I walked every green area that I could think of that I had visited when I last lived here, nothing. One day I commented on Face Book that the Universe had been sending me little white feathers again and a friend of mine said to let them know if the Universe sent black feathers. That weekend I walked the last woodland area that I could think of looking for the portal. Bang! I walked right into it. There was no mistaking the now familiar energy fizz. I looked around me and recognized the ancient earthworks. Then I looked down and found a black feather, walked a few meters and found another and then a third. Three black crows were sitting cawing at me from the trees. It all came flooding back to me; I remembered the specific circumstances around finding the portal all those years before. I was euphoric, it reinforced once again that something very important had just happened.

I visit the energy portal regularly. It acts as a ‘cosmic mailbox’ for me and a place where I can use the heightened energy there to restore myself when I am exhausted. I suppose in a sense it also serves as my ‘church’ because it is certainly a place where I can sit quietly and reflect on my life and be extremely grateful for the opportunity I have to be on this planet in the most exciting time in its history.

1 comment:

  1. An energy fizz, that's a perfect way to describe that buzz that you get from a portal. When we went to the stone circle at Arbor Low, there were 3 crows or possibly ravens, I'm not sure which, in a tree at the turning to the circle. Arbor Low is a marvellous portal. It would be very interesting to explore the featuring of feathers further. Are they relevant only to you, or are the crows guardians of some form? Either way, these are indeed very exciting times.
