Sunday, 28 July 2013

Sirius Rising: The Lions Gate

Sirius started rising on the 22nd of July when it became visible just before dawn. The rising of Sirius in the eastern sky used to mark the beginning of the New Year in Egypt and the start of the rising of the flood waters of the Nile, which would irrigate the growing lands on either side of the river and return fertility and growth to an otherwise dry and barren land.

The rising of Sirius takes place as the sun starts moving into Leo.  The pyramids of ancient Egypt used to act as a power source that formed a protective shield around the earth to protect it from asteroid and meteor strikes. This same grid is also part of the earth in the form of ley lines/energy grid which is linked to very powerful energy centres in places where several of these lines converge.

This particular ‘Lions Gate” is especially important because it marks the reactivation of the ancient energy grid on the earth that has been largely unutilised for the last 3800 years.  The grid will be recharged with very powerful electromagnetic energy from the sun during the period starting on the 26th July and running to the 12th August 2013. This electromagnetic energy  once in the earth grid, will disperse the new heart codes that were activated on the earth between the 12th December 2012 to 21st December 2012 through the grid and make them easily accessible to all who wish to move into living in the new heart centred feminine energy that is now available to us.

If you would like to get involved in grounding this energy onto the earth during this time then please do so. The best way to do this is to ground yourself into the earth, activate your seven chakras from your root chakra to your crown and then to pull the energy from the top of your head down through your seven main body chakras into the earth, on a daily basis with the intent of it going into the earth grid.

The new feminine energy on the planet will change the way we live forever.  This is the beginning of new partnerships, friendships, business and government agreements, living in truth for the benefit of the group, working through the heart in balanced partnership between the masculine and feminine across ourselves and with others.  This is very powerful energy and is going to be very difficult to ignore. Work it by feeling it in your seven main chakras.

“I FEEL therefore I am”, with apologies to John Paul Sartre          

And yes, I am very Sirius about this.

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